Q1. Understanding the Startups dataset
Let's understand the startups dataset for this. We'll get the first hundred rows of the data set and we'll view all the columns, which are dead in the dataset.
Most of the queries in SQL begin by writing select. The select statement mentioned that we want to get some data from a particular dataset.
Now to get all columns, we can write star. Star implies that we have to get all the columns which are present in a particular data set.
We have to mention which data set or which table we are querying. So in this case study, we'll be using the database dot start-ups dataset.
And at the end, let's put in a limit of hundred to restrict the amount of rows that we get.
We can select the whole query and then press run. Now we have all the columns and the first hundred rows of the dataset.
Let's go ahead and look at these columns. So the first column is Name. So this will be the name of the company in which category does the company operates, whether it's a software company, a news company, health e-commerce analytics, etc.
What is the category of the company, which in the business that they operate in, which country are they from? So most of this data is from USA, but you will see France and there are plenty other countries as well, Australia, Brazil, et cetera. How much funding did they raise in USD or US dollars, which funding round was this, and then finally, at what point or at what date was the company founded at? Right? So this year was founded on the 10th of October in 2011.
Okay. So this is, if you scroll down, you'll see that we have 100 rows. So this is the index of the rows, right?
So we now have extracted 100 rows of data. Now, again, let's go through the code. Select statement starts that we have to mention that we have to get some data from our dataset.
Now, what data do we want to get? If we mentioned star, this means that we want to get all the columns.
So these are all the six columns that are there in the data set. We have to mention which table are we talking about?
Or which results set do we want to query the data from in here, we are using the database dot start-ups dataset to query our data.
And finally, if we apply limit and some number in this case, 100, this will restrict the amount of rows that we get.
So hence, we got six columns, which are all the columns from the startups dataset, and we got the first 100 rows of this data set.