How to create an account on Mode Analytics
A prerequisite to taking this course is creating an account on Mode Analytics. So go to this URL
This is the signup page for Mode Analytics. It is like signing up for any other website. You can use your email or you can directly connect to your Google or log in through Google or slack.
For this, let's use an email ID. So here you can give your own email ID. Let's go ahead and continue.
Now, there should be a verification email that you should have received in the email that you gave. So let's go ahead and you can check your email.
And then from the email, you can copy-paste the verification link that you got in the URL. Let's go ahead and do that.
And you'll reach here, which is your setup account page. Give the full username that you are comfortable with. So, because I'm creating a test account, I'll just use a test username. For the password, you can give any password that you use or like and just hit continue. All right, so now we are in this step, here, you don't need to connect to any database.
All the data that we will be using in the course is available through our sample datasets. So just click this button that says Start using Mode with sample data.
So let's go ahead and do that. And now we are in the SQL editor. So this is how you can create a new account.
In the next video, we will learn how to use the SQL Editor and Python notebook.